DEADLINE: January 31, 2021 - Service providers: Submit your proposals for funding

Pods located at the Arbor Lodge Shelter on N. Lombard St., which opened on November 19th, 2021

Pods located at the Arbor Lodge Shelter, which opened on Nov. 19th, 2021

Multnomah County, in partnership with Washington County and Clackamas County, released a Tri-County Supportive Housing Services Request for Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ), on December 1, 2021.

The goal of this RFPQ is to partner with the service providers working to address regional homelessness, support the expansion of their work, and work with them to eliminate racial disparities in homeless, health and housing services. 

Each county is seeking to expand its pool of qualified service providers for contracting, especially culturally specific service providers and affordable housing owners. 

The RFPQ opened Dec. 1, 2021, and proposals are due by 4 p.m. Jan. 31, 2022. 

Here is the link to apply on the ProcureNow website

This new procurement is a streamlined process consisting of one application that will qualify applicants to contract with Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties for five years. Organizations will be qualified to provide a variety of services, to all systems/populations (youth, family, domestic violence, and adult), under the following areas: 

  • Outreach and engagement

  • Shelter and transitional housing

  • Connections to stable housing

  • Supportive housing stabilization services

  • Wrap-around support 

Responding to feedback from community partners across the region, we are providing two levels of technical assistance. Washington County will provide support on how to use the online procurement site. And two third-party consultants will also be available, from Dec. 15, 2021, through Jan. 21, 2022, to provide one-on-one application assistance. 

To apply for this RFPQ, which is hosted by Washington County, vendors need to register for an OpenGov account here. Applications are due Jan. 31, 2022, at 4 p.m. Interested organizations should attend a pre-proposal conference on Dec. 7 or  Dec. 8, 2021, or Jan. 12, 2022, to learn more about this Tri-County SHS procurement process. 

At the conference, participants will be able to ask questions of the panelists and procurement teams from each of the three counties. Registration is required. Please select your preferred date to register.

*Please indicate your language preference in the registration. Interpretation options include the following languages - Spanish: Español, Vietnamese: Tiếng Việt, Chinese: 中文, Russian: Русский, Romanian: Română, Ukrainian: Україньска, Japanese: 日本語, Somali: Soomaali, Somali: Soomaali, Arabic: عربي, Laotian: ລາວ 

Any other preferred language option please reach out to:[email protected]


If you have any questions about what this means for your organization, please email [email protected]. Any questions directly related to the new RFPQ should be submitted through the Questions & Answers tab in the OpenGov procurement portal.

In addition to the webinars listed above, the Joint Office of Homeless Services is providing technical writing support to help organizations interested in applying for the RFPQ. Send us an email for more information.